In addition to having the necessary qualifications, skills and experience, there are some key soft skills which are very much in demand:

Time management

A concept ingrained in our minds since our school days. Love it or hate it, it remains a crucial skill in the professional realm. In high-tech industries, where deadlines reign supreme and flexibility is a rare luxury, mastering the art of time management is paramount.

Critical Thinking

The ability to think critically is highly sought after by employers. They value individuals who can quickly analyse situations and make well-informed decisions. Being a critical thinker enables you to tackle challenges with a fresh perspective and produce innovative solutions.

Problem Solving / Empathy

Building technology is all about problem-solving and it’s crucial to grasp the user’s pain points before attempting to solve them. Developing this skill is not only valuable in the tech industry but also in any other field and it’s considered one of the top soft skills for any professional.


Effective communication is vital. Understanding your audience is paramount and tailoring your tone and comprehension to cater to customers/individuals who may not possess technical expertise is a valuable skill. In the realm of IT, strong verbal and written communication skills are a must-have.


It’s common knowledge that maintaining an organized approach enhances efficiency and productivity in the workplace. Many IT professions offer a dynamic environment, allowing professionals to engage in various projects and tasks but it’s crucial to possess the skill of effectively managing schedules and daily assignments. Neglecting this aspect can result in tasks, vital information, and deadlines slipping through the cracks so it’s imperative to prioritize staying organized to ensure smooth operations and successful outcomes.

Passion, Energy and Enthusiasm 

Companies want to work with employees who can display passion, energy and enthusiasm in the workplace and fit well within the company culture and ethos. They want employees who can work collaboratively and engage with others to drive maximum achievements and efficiencies.