Following last week’s Tech News Thursday regarding Cambridge University’s ‘Founders’ programme for tech entrepreneurs, this week’s discussion is on the idea of knowing your purpose and fulfilling your goals.

It was expressed merely over 10 years ago by Dr. Margie Warrell in Forbes that, unlike animals, which are driven to survive, we as humans are driven by much more. The idea of continuous self-development, money, health, or a better lifestyle are all typical factors that one can mention that drive them to be a better person and know their worth.

Dr. Warrell continued to discuss the German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche and his quote, ‘He who has a why can endure any how.’ Ultimately, knowing your ‘why’ or your purpose is an important first step in figuring out how to achieve the goals that excite you, whether that is executing the technology business plans you have or even gaining a certificate in the area that interests you most.

In light of New Year’s Resolutions being around the corner and an article written by Brendan Wong for LinkedIn News, one can find themselves and their ‘why’ with a simple bit of motivation, so here is your message to waste no more time procrastinating on what “could be” and change it to what “will be”—we only have a little more time before the year comes to an end!

Have you found a solution to a gap or problem in the tech market? Act on it.

Have you got an interest in a specific computer programme? Act on it.

Do you wish to develop your skillset and differentiate yourself from other candidates? Act on it.

Taking everything into account, knowing your ‘why’ is so incredibly important to not only execute your goals but also to make you feel a lot more satisfied with what you have and/or will receive once you have acted upon your goals.

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See Do You Know Your “Why?” 4 Questions To Find Your Purpose (

See also Remember you ‘why’ by Brendan Wong